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The JoyPoll was...
How would you describe the way you communicate with your Significant 0ther?
  • Dial up.
  • We have a Peer to Peer relationship.
  • We SMTP use email.
  • Point to Point Protocol.
  • A T1 line connects our soul.
  • Lately we've had our firewalls up.
  • I'm attempting to establish a connection.
View the Results

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Help keep the joy in Joy of Tech...tip the cartoonists! Today's episode is brought to you in part by Brian Stretch and Brian Redman. Thanks to both Brians!

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Diesel Sweeties!

...just some of our great poster prints!
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Forum tidbits!
Evilbunny gets more definitions for Whats the difference between dork nerd and geek? , ... Irene Kelly asks Does hotmail charge money now for new users? , ... matt spreads some Virus jokes , ... Janeway treats us to some management issues , ... Alien Investor shares a tidbit about That Evil Martha Stewart , ... and The Chump reveals Geeks and Sex: A different approach and view.
... and remember, the geeks are out there and they need your help writing a new Geekcode!

And in SuperFan Clubhouse Tidbits... new cars abound as Mike Ma shows us his... Only In Canada... , ... Zwilnik introduces us to Little Nellie, and DigitalBill has New Car Fever!

...and don't forget... those SuperFan Voluntary Subscriptions! Join now and you or a friend can appear in the comic!

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Thanks Jason!
Thanks Rick!!
Thanks Larry!
Thank Fabian!


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