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The JoyPoll was...
Based on the last few months, what award do you think you should get?
  • The Star of Sweat Equity.
  • Award for Good Conduct.
  • Office Peacekeeping Medal.
  • Medal of Distinguished Tech Support.
  • Most Likely to Slack.
  • Prisoner of Cubicle Medal.
View the Results

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Diesel Sweeties!

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LinusAlien BabesLinus

YES! You can get the Iceman Frosted Mug! It's here! Pick one up now, and chill out!Iceman Mug!
Forum tidbits!
mephisto is looking for some geeky help with checking which originatin page called the script , ... macadddikt18 sadly reports Rodney O. Lain passed away , ... Snaggy blocks Pop-ups/pop-under ads , ... uilleann rants Argh, WTF is wrong with IE? , ... MacManKrisK is probably heading to Hawaii!!! , ... Super Flippy wonders about the Mysterious Maid of the Mac , ... and dragonman97 asks us the question... To date or not to date - a friend.

And in SuperFan Clubhouse Tidbits... and Rednivek cracks and posts Exclusive LEGO pictures and a picture of Murder in the 1st!

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Thanks Jason!
Thanks Rick!!
Thanks Larry!
Thank Fabian!


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