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The JoyPoll was...
What would it take to convince you to switch to a Mac?
  • More hot babes in Apple's "Switcher" ads.
  • An OS X port of Claris Emailer.
  • Billions and billions of Windows-tainted dollars.
  • Been there, and doing that.
  • Been there and doing that, but I still want more hot babes in Apple's "Switcher" ads.
  • Nothing would ever, ever, ever convince me.
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Forum tidbits!
TonyRad is a a NES Geek seeking help from Computer Geek , ... Overload wonders what is an Uber Geek? , ... snupy wonders where to find some Thomas the Train wallpaper, ... ZorroTheFox asks What is your way to tell if Hell has frozen over? , ... skylar needs some luch for it's all greek exams, ... and GameMaster writes his Carpe Geekium! Or something.....

And in SuperFan Clubhouse Tidbits... Rednivek commits Murder in the 1st!

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