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The JoyPoll was...
What would be your ideal wedding?
  • Married by Woz, honeymoon in Cupertino.
  • Married by Linus, honeymoon inside a giant paper-mache Tux.
  • Married by Captain Picard, honeymoon on Risa.
  • Married by Nitrozac, honeymoon in the Cartoon Universe.
  • Married by noon, separated by midnight.
View the Results

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Help keep the joy in Joy of Tech...tip the cartoonists! Today's episode is brought to you in part by Brian Stretch and Brian Redman. Thanks to both Brians!

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Diesel Sweeties!

...just some of our great poster prints!
LinusAlien BabesLinus

Forum tidbits!
ilovemydualg4 and others are coding from the ground up a new GeekCode, ... MacManKrisK asks about Shortwave Radio?? , Evilbunny creats a thread for Your Thoughts Here , ... Alien Investor confesses that I bought a tech stock! , ... Snaggy aks us geeks to Help Mildred find a Mac version of Widget Workshop! ... and Colonel Panic posts a heartwarming tale in To Jesta, with care.

And in SuperFan Clubhouse Tidbits... Nitrozac tells the tale of NitroKitty's escape, ... while reaction grows to dragonman97's shocking and titalating photo of the Seduction of a dragon!

...and don't forget... those SuperFan Voluntary Subscriptions! Join now and you or a friend can appear in the comic!

YES! You can get the Iceman Frosted Mug! It's here! Pick one up now, and chill out!Iceman Mug!

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Thanks Jason!
Thanks Rick!!
Thanks Larry!
Thank Fabian!


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