The JoyPoll was... |
What would be your favorite section of
- The boss ranting forums.
- The "My Boss Sux!" e-cards.
- The where-is-your-boss-now Boss-Cams.
- The pin-the-tail-on-the-ass game.
- The "I am a boss" confession booth.
- The spin off site,
View the Results |
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Diesel Sweeties!
Colonel Panic is in a panic, as his next door neighbor got a Mac! , ... magebard wonders How much beer did it take... , ... quantumfluff asks about pushups for RSI sufferers , ... TheAnnoyedCockroach is Home, home again... , ... Steen gives a thumbs up to Minority Report , ... and Geek247 asks the big question... I wanna start programming, Where do i start?
And in SuperFan Clubhouse Tidbits... new cars abound as Mike Ma shows us his... Only In Canada... , ... Zwilnik introduces us to Little Nellie, and DigitalBill has New Car Fever!
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