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It's time to Think Wild!

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The JoyPoll was...
What is the most important step to survival during DotMac Doomsday?
  • Knowing the effects of DotMac Day vaporization.
  • Informing friends and family that your email address probably isn't gonna make it!
  • Knowing how to recognize and prevent Mac user panic.
  • Preparing for Reality Distortion Field fallout!
  • Using the Joy of Tech DotMac Doomsday Clock, Personal Edition.
  • Shelling out the bucks, then watching the show from the safety of your .Mac shelter.
  • I'm working towards a peaceful, free solution.
View the Results

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Forum tidbits!
spungo has an OS X question , ... neotatsu may have insomnia? , ... rw wishies Eepie a Happy Birthday, Eeps, ... Bregalad is pretty sure You know there's a major event in town when... , ... daveyt shows us the amazing Project Cryo, ... Nitrozac confesses I'm into rock collecting , ... and also wonders What would you do if there were no computers? ... and GMx wants to see JoT and AY2K Books!

And in SuperFan Clubhouse Tidbits... Nitrozac posts a picture of the Alien hiding in crawlspace! , ... and another of Action and Firemen!

...and don't forget... those SuperFan Voluntary Subscriptions! Join now and you or a friend can appear in the comic!

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Thanks Jason!
Thanks Rick!!
Thanks Larry!
Thank Fabian!

Think Wild!

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