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The JoyPoll was...
What's keeping your geek emotions going, now that X-Files is over?
  • X-Files re-runs.
  • I'm hoping for Star Wars Episode III trailers.
  • Two words... Matrix Reloaded.
  • I'm hoping AY2K gets updated soon.
  • Now that you mention it, I have no reason to live!
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Buy IT WILL NOT DIE!Get the poster!
Our "Nightmare in Cupertino" comic is available as a very cool, signed by Nitrozac and Snaggy, 11x 17inch poster print! Buy it now, or face the wrath of crazed zombie-like cartoonists!
Forum tidbits!
quantumfluff shares a song Do You See The Benzine Rings?, ... mephisto fesses up and confesses I, flirt, ... Twinkle Toes has issues with the Teibits, and is convinced it's A conspiracy! *GASP*, ... and *GASP* Snaggy gives a thumbs down to Star Wars Episode II, Attack of the Clones!

And in SuperFan Clubhouse Tidbits... ASM65816 thinks a "Joy of Tech" Totally Hot Babe Calendar sounds like a great idea.

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