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Today's comic first appeared in The Joy of Linux!

May 3rd

May 6th

May 8th

May 10th

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The JoyPoll was...
What's the riskiest part of installing Linux?
  • Boring your non-geeky friends to death.
  • Your computer will run better, therefore you'll have to work more.
  • You'll soon be drawn into the vicious Vi vs Emacs war.
  • You'll be branded The Linux Guy, and other people will bug you to help them install it on their computers.
  • You'll fall hopelessly in love with Linux Lass.
View the Results

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Forum tidbits!
Charisma reports a story of death and the rising thereafter in The Death of my iBook, ... Nitrozac alerts us to the baby geese cam , (pics of the geese are here), ... Twinkle Toes confesses she is Aggressive and defensive! , ... and Iain-F tells how love triumphed despite a trans-Atlantic relationship! (his story is in Janeway's thread of geekette loneliness...)

And in SuperFan Clubhouse Tidbits... DigitalBill ponders Space... It's really big , ... and Nitrozac tells of the Mac Genius Cop , ... are you missing it?

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