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Joy of Tech is brought to you in part by SuperFans! Help us keep the laughs coming and get some fun perks by joining the Legion of SuperFans.

The TTB t-shirt!


Mac Genius!
They're new they're cool, they're Mac Genius Polos!

Stay tuned for the conclusion of the Genius VS Dude epic, Monday!

Your Mac Life!Wednesday night we were guests on the Your Mac Life show with Shawn King! Thanks Shawn, we had a great time! :) Check it out in the archives, we are on about half an hour into the show.

Important note: Unfortunately, Apple Legal is again demanding we remove our Mac Genius t-shirts and Mac Genius Polo merchandise. We are currently in consultations (again) with our own lawyers, but in the meantime, we continue to offer our fans our products. Please stand by, and thank you for your understanding, patience, and patronage. -Nitrozac and Snaggy

March 25th

March 28th

March 30th

April 1st

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The JoyPoll was...
If you were a Mac Genius, what would you do with only 5 minutes left in the contest?
  • Give up, and join the DELL Dude's Party!
  • Email Steven's DELL a virus.
  • Pull the fire alarm!
  • Stumble out into the mall covered in white powder.
  • "If I had a rocket launcher..."
View the Results

Email a friend some Joy!
Help keep the joy in Joy of Tech...tip the cartoonists! Today's JoT is brought to you in part by Thomas Deliduka! Thanks Thomas!
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Nitrozac and Snaggy would like to keep you informed of any Joy of Tech and Geek Culture news, with a very occasional email newsletter.

Don't worry, your information is only used for this list, and never released to any third party.

If you have a computer you no longer are using, but it's still in good working condition, then perhaps you'd like to donate it to a very good home. Visit nitrozac.org for details.

diesel sweeties
Diesel Sweeties!

...just some of our great poster prints!
LinusAlien BabesLinus

Forum tidbits!
Snaggy says We're a USAToday Hot Site, ... FatGnome wonders what is your Favorite number?, ... Bregalad is looking for a reasonably priced PC in WA State, ... rw hopes we have time for a cool Industrious Clock, ... Geordie wonders What is it called? ... and crazyarlo rants about Forced downgrade to PC at work.

And in SuperFan Clubhouse Tidbits... Nitrozac and other SuperFans post their desktops!

...and don't forget... those SuperFan Voluntary Subscriptions! Join now and you or a friend can appear in the comic!

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The amazing self-updating Latest Joy of Tech Thumbnail is featured on:
Go2Mac!O'Grady's PowerPage!
Thanks Jason!
the Apple Online Museum!The Apple Online Museum!
Thanks Lukas!
Thank Fabian!

Billy Gates!
Now available as a poster!

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