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They're new they're cool, they're Mac Genius Polos!

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The JoyPoll was...
What makes you scream at work?
  • That sniveling little suck-uping creep.
  • The deductions on my paycheck.
  • The quarterly report of my company.
  • Realizing it's Monday, and I have to be at work.
  • The thought of actually having to work.
  • The thought of actually retiring.
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Diesel Sweeties!

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Forum tidbits!
Buffy shares a recipe for a Crazy Blue Drink, ... GameMaster is wondering if anyone out there had any ideas that would make a web server pay for itself, ... and also where to find a DOS port of the GNU Linux cat file-utility, ... annie has recently been diagnosed with AAADD, ... and Raptorgirl asks the big question... How do you know you've crossed the line from nerd to geek?

And in SuperFan Clubhouse Tidbits... Rednivek posts a movie of the Mousetrap Car's incredible performance, ... and if this doesn't make you want to join, I don't know what will... exclusive really cute footage of SupportGoddess and her Canadian pal kissing!

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Thank Fabian!

Billy Gates!
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