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The TTB t-shirt! also available in women's Baby Tee!!!

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The JoyPoll was...
What effect will the trend towards LCD monitors have?
  • Lots of cats will be hissed off.
  • Flat stuff will get super fashionable.
  • My office will be a lot cooler.
  • Throwing rocks at old monitors won't be as fun.
  • Cats, unable to soak in heat from CRT monitors, will soak in heat from other sources, thereby causing an ice age.
  • I'll be able to pick up lots of great CRTs for cheap!
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Big Panda... cool!

If you have a computer you no longer are using, but it's still in good working condition, then perhaps you'd like to donate it to a very good home. Visit nitrozac.org for details.

diesel sweeties
Diesel Sweeties!

TTB!We're just about to put the order in for our great new TTB shirts, so please, if you'd like one, pre-order now so we can make sure to get your size. Thanks :) Available in two women's BabyTee sizes, as well as all the other sizes we normally carry. PS Guys, makes a great gift for your TTB!

Forum tidbits!
Geordie requests your Top 10 Geek Books, ... donnab creates a love song to a new iMac, ... Toby creates what may be the New iMac G4 (Luxo) box design, ... bomberman21 asks how can i become a geek?, ... Angry Rooster points us to a FooDesktop, ... STrRedWolf points us to a Tube WristWatch, ... tekniklr raves Linuxworld Expo rocked!!!, ... and Snaggy announces TTB shirts, final boarding call!

...and don't forget, join the GeekCulture team to crack the RC5 code!

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