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The TTB t-shirt! also available in women's Baby Tee!!!

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The JoyPoll was..
What event would cause the Vulcans to visit you?
  • Actually getting the pizza for free because it's late.
  • Getting all my work done, and on time.
  • Making it through a whole day without crashing my computer.
  • Cracking the RC5 code and winning that $1000.00 after I joined the GeekCulture Team!
  • The event already happened, and was so good, I didn't need those visiting Vulcans.
  • It is illogical to think that Vulcans would ever visit me.
View the Results

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Big Panda... cool!

If you have a computer you no longer are using, but it's still in good working condition, then perhaps you'd like to donate it to a very good home. Visit nitrozac.org for details.

diesel sweeties
Diesel Sweeties!

TTB!Wow, the TTB t-shirt! Order your Techno-Talking Babe shirt now, also available in women's BabyTee!!!

PS Guys, makes a great gift for your TTB!

Forum tidbits!
Nitrozac gets good wishes for a happy birthday!, ... Lex cheers the new Dual Ghz G4!, ... feldspar shares the worst phone tech support, ... Woz is back with Wheels of Zeus, ... macman is wondering How many geekesses are there really?, ... EngrBohn shares a Soliloquy of a Nice Guy, ... spungo asks what is your Favourite sitcoms of all time?,... and remember, join the GeekCulture team to crack the RC5 code!

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