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custom and corporate orders! t-shirts! Beanies! Posters! buttons Other neat stuff

For generations, buttons have been used to show support, and the tradition continues with these gorgeous buttons! These are high quality, professional buttons, in beautiful techno-talking color. And each button is handmade by highly trained Geek Culture Button Technicians (Nitrozac and Snaggy).

NEW! We are now offering 1" mini-buttons! These are adorable and extremely hip... use with caution!

For a bit extra, they are also available with a magnet instead of a pin on the back, so you can stick 'em to your favorite magnet-friendly surface. Talk about attractive!

Here's our latest buttons... and there's even more buttons further below.

one more thing
One more thing
JoT guy!
Joy of Tech button
Walt Mossberg
Walt Mossberg!
Leo Laporte!
Amber Mac
John C Dvorak
John C. Dvorak!
Dvorak is nuts!
Dvorak is nuts!
Patrick Norton!
Patrick Norton!
/me grabs your butt!
/me grabs your butt!

Your choice of five great 2 1/4" buttons for only $8.95, or five 1" mini buttons,

or five 2 1/4 magnets for only $10.50!

Buttons or Magnets?

Select your choices!

Want extra Buttons? Only a $1.00 each!
extra Genius button
extra Science button

extra Science rocks! button
extra Mac Genius button

extra Tux button

extra AY2K logo

extra Joy of Tech

extra Arthur C. Clarke

extra Ghost of Robert Heinlein

extra Ghost of Asimov!

extra Young Woz!

extra Young Steve Jobs!

extra Fawn button

extra Brandy Button

extra Bambi Button

extra Dawn button

extra Sys Admin button

extra Geekier than thou button
extra Tubes Rock! button
extra Linux Lass button
extra TTB button
extra Gates Dart Board button
extra Jaguar Genius button
extra Please tell me everything is going to be OK
extra Panther Genius button

extra Save the Hubble button
extra Geek button
extra Happy Computer button
extra Mac Geek button
Want extra magnets? Only $1.50 each!
extra Genius magnet

extra Mac Genius magnet

extra Science magnet
extra Scienc rocks magnet

extra Tux magnet

extra AY2K logo

extra Joy of Tech

extra Arthur C. Clarke

extra Ghost of Robert Heinlein

extra Ghost of Asimov!

extra Young Woz!

extra Young Steve Jobs!

extra Fawn magnet

extra Brandy magnet

extra Bambi magnet

extra Dawn magnet

extra Sys Admin magnet

extra Geekier than thou magnet
extra Tubes Rock! magnet
extra Linux Lass magnet
extra TTB magnet
extra Gates Dart Board magnet
extra Jaguar Genius magnet
extra Please tell me everything is going to be OK magnet
extra Panther Genius magnet

extra Save the Hubble magnet

extra Geek magnet
extra Happy Computer magnet
extra Mac Geek magnet

Our Classic buttons!!!


Happy Computer

Mac Geek

Panther Genius
Panther Genius!

Give me your lunch money!

Arthur C. Clarke!

Ghost of Robert Heinlein!

Ghost of Asimov!

Young Steve Jobs!

Young Woz!
Jaguar Genius
Jaguar Genius!

Tubes Rock!


Geekier than thou

TTB button!

Gates Dart Board!
Linux Lass!

Please tell me everything is going to be OK... now available on all kinds of great t-shirts and stuff!

AY2K logo!

Save the Hubble!

The TTB Collection!
Wear your favorite Techno-Talking Babe on your sleeve, chest, knapsack, laptop bag, or anywhere else you can stick it! And what's this? A bonus villainous babe! Yes, it's the dastardly, devious, and devilishly sexy Sys Admin! Four TTB buttons and the Sys Admin... for only $8.25! The same as magnets only $9.95.

Buttons or mini buttons, or magnets?

Want extra Buttons? Only a $1.00 each!
extra Genius button

extra Mac Genius button

extra Tux button

extra AY2K logo

extra Joy of Tech

extra Arthur C. Clarke

extra Ghost of Robert Heinlein

extra Ghost of Asimov!

extra Young Woz!

extra Young Steve Jobs!

extra Fawn button

extra Brandy Button

extra Bambi Button

extra Dawn button

extra Sys Admin button

extra Geekier than thou button
extra Tubes Rock! button
extra Linux Lass button
extra TTB button
extra Gates Dart Board button
extra Panther Genius button
Want extra magnets? Only $1.50 each!
extra Genius magnet

extra Mac Genius magnet

extra Tux magnet

extra AY2K logo magnet

extra Joy of Tech magnet

extra Arthur C. Clarke magnet

extra Ghost of Robert Heinlein

extra Ghost of Asimov!

extra Young Woz!

extra Young Steve Jobs!

extra Fawn magnet

extra Brandy magnet

extra Bambi magnet

extra Dawn magnet

extra Sys Admin magnet

extra Geekier than thou magnet
extra Tubes Rock! magnet
extra Linux Lass magnet
extra TTB magnet
extra Gates Dart Board magnet
extra Panther Genius magnet

These look awesome on our beanies! Check out our Button Beanies!

The Geek Culture T-Shirt Collection:
Tubes Rock!
Geekier than thou.
GENIUS shirts
The TTB t-shirt!
Glow-in-the-Dark Alien

Just some of the cool designs we have over at our CafePress store!

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Email a friend a hint!

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Techno-Talking Babe, Techno-Talking Babes, and TTBs are trademarks of Geek Culture.
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