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Current JoyPoll results for 345 entries:

Would you want your computer to be taking screenshots several times a minute to help you find things later?

Um, sure. Microsoft is paying me for this, right?, ... oh, someone will pay for this. 8 2%
Sounds more like spyware!, ... Microsoft Sherlocked spyware! 86 24%
No thanks, I enjoy the semblance of privacy I have now. I don't need to find anything that badly!, ... well, it might come in handy finding mislaid porn? 151 43%
Sure! What a great way to spy on people by just lending them my computer!, ... and so started the Spy VS Spy with your friends. 42 12%
I've mislaid my vote! 58 16%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and less than total recall.

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