Current JoyPoll results for 879 entries:
What's your favorite integration of an integrated circuit?
My computer, ... remember, the soul of your machine is the software. |
378 |
43% |
iPod, ... are you fully integrated with your ear buds? |
111 |
12% |
Pocket calculator, ... calculators rock, but slide rules! |
41 |
4% |
Furby, ... I prefer R2D2. |
31 |
3% |
Spacecraft, ... silicon... boldly going where no carbon life form has gone before. |
55 |
6% |
Borg nanoprobes, ... talk about integration! |
180 |
20% |
Let me be the first to welcome our integrated circuit overlords. |
83 |
9% |
May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and dis-integration of data.
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