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The Joy of Tech comic

The JoyPoll was...
What is your reaction to the Bronze Age keynote?
  • As a developer of stone tools, I'm pissed off!
  • I wish they were going straight to Iron.
  • I don't really care, I just don't want any "Copper Inside" stickers on my tools.
  • I hope this shuts up the stone zealots!
  • I can't believe it, I just bought a stone axe!
  • Sheesh, why does the tribe leader always have to wear that same mock tunic?

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Forum tidbits!

Raptorgirl would like you to Recommend a Memory Stick, ... Erbo tells us the Three Stages of Sex in Marriage, ... the Friday Five was James Lipton's Questions, ... cyber_junkie needs help with SLEEP, ... and snupy says It's official!!!!!

And in SuperFan Clubhouse Tidbits: Snaggy says oooh nice custom avatar Rhonwyyn!

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Macinstein!Macinstein's Mac Search Engine!
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Thank Fabian!
Macsurfer.com!...and of course we love the ever-loving MacSurfer.com!

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