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If you were an Apple rumor mole, what would be your code name?
  • Fink Different.
  • iSpy.
  • Bondi, James Bondi.
  • One Infinite Blabbermouth.
  • Mac the Mouth.
  • If I worked at Apple, I would keep my mouth shut... honest!

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HalfVast reveals Star Wars from left field, ... crazyarlo confesses I love video games and Just tried Mepis, a new Linux Distro, ... a1tb1t has a counter strike question, ... Zim'et is loving Sin City, ... Snaggy forwards Because I am a man, ... and Aditu seeks Dr. Who help.

And in SuperFan Clubhouse Tidbits: Snaggy announces Trilidd is new and Super! and Cap'n Vic notices GeekCulture's new look.

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