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Jaguar Genius!
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August 21st

August 23rd

August 26th

August 28th

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The JoyPoll was...
What are you legendary for?
  • The caught-on-film blink.
  • The oh-so-publicly-displayed booger.
  • My "silent but deadly".
  • My off-screen love affairs.
  • My Forum flame-throwing.
  • My legendary "I'm a legend in my own mind".
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The Joy of Tech!
The Joybutton!

If you're using a Mac and a newer version of Explorer, here's a neat trick courtesy of MacMerc. Drag the above little image to the top tool bar of your browser, it should "stick" afterwards. Now you have a graphical link to the Joy of Tech, one that will update everytime a new comic is uploaded. (You may have to refresh the image manually if it's in your cache.) If you need to delete or move it it, just control button/click and hold, then select delete, or just Command/drag it to the trash.

diesel sweeties
Diesel Sweeties!

Forum tidbits!
AudrieRyan_geekgirl had a birthday, Gimme a kiss! , ... Oz, the Wizard of crimped his first cable today! , ... rats, TheAnnoyedCockroach was heinously violated, , ... GMx points out The Newton That Would Not Die , ... kygeek is dreading friday and saturday Brothers wedding , ... snupy gives an apology , ... chrisgagne announces a SecurID PAM Challenge (for über geeks only!) , ... and GMx writes an Attack Of The Prairie Dogs! Theme!

And in SuperFan Clubhouse Tidbits... Snaggy continues Knighting yonder SuperFans with their Custom Titles, and my god, it's full of Custom Avatars!

...and don't forget... those SuperFan Voluntary Subscriptions! Get access to the SuperFan Clubhouse, and as a Super treat, Solid Nitrozanium SuperFans can appear in the comic!

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Thanks Jason!
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Thanks Larry!
Thank Fabian!

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...just some of our great poster prints!
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