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The JoyPoll was...
How would such a Stallman VS Apple, Trial of the Century turn out?
  • Apple would be forced to change the name of the eMac.
  • In a landmark decision, Stallman would be awarded all the free-as-in-beer he could drink.
  • Apple would get off, after testifying to the jury that the compiler did not fit.
  • Stallman would win, especially after Johnnie Cochran played the Megahertz card.
  • Apple's Legal Geniuses would win, forcing Stallman to live on the street, surviving by selling blackmarket Mac Genius polos.
View the Results

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Forum tidbits!
baker_nat wonders What is you're favourite episode/character in the Simpsons, ... ZorroTheFox gets a new van, then opens up shop with Ask Zorro, ... Alan! posts about Aussie Macs, ... DigitalBill breaks the news about the Pogue Article, ... RedHatDude announces the New Powerbooks and Mac models, and Snaggy says Please welcome our new sponsor... Road Tools!

And in SuperFan Clubhouse Tidbits... Nitrozac posts a few pictures of the upcoming Geek Culture HQ v3.0.

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