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March 6th

March 8th

March 11th

March 13th

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The JoyPoll was...
Of the following spam emails, which would you actually consider looking at?
  • Lose weight while you sleep!
  • Congratulations, you've won $10,000!
  • Increase Windows reliability!
  • Play Vegas in your own house!
  • Invitation to see a nude model shoot!
  • Increase your penis size!
  • None!
  • All of them, of course!
View the Results

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Help keep the joy in Joy of Tech...tip the cartoonists! JoT is brought to you in part by Gary Shelton. Thanks Gary!
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diesel sweeties
Diesel Sweeties!

...just some of our great poster prints!
LinusAlien BabesLinus

Forum tidbits!
There's lots of opinions in the what do you think of the new "super-fan" private club forum, ... quantumfluff reports on a new Canadian tax on recordable media, ... Evilbunny celebrates Pi Day, ... and Jade Dragon from klingon.org asks What Star Trek character race would you be? btw. looking good Ambassador Lady K'Zin Epetai Kasara! :)

And in SuperFan Clubhouse Tidbits... in a shocking move, Rednivek has deleted his entire thread about his wife, and instead posted someone special next to his car, wearing a hacker hat!

and don't forget... those SuperFan Voluntary Subscriptions! Join now and you or a friend can appear in the comic!

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The amazing self-updating Latest Joy of Tech Thumbnail is featured on:
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the Apple Online Museum!The Apple Online Museum!
Thanks Lukas!
Thank Fabian!

Billy Gates!
Now available as a poster!

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