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Current JoyPoll results for 254 entries:

Do you miss live conventions and conferences?

Yes, I miss the drama!, ... I don't really miss the fight to get good seats! 28 11%
I miss the learning. I learned more in person, with other people, ... and not just about coding! 31 12%
I miss the friendships, ... cheers, to absent friends. 21 8%
I miss them, but I don't miss the inevitable cold or flu I brought back with me!, ... I'm still hoping for an Apple iMask. 23 9%
NO! I love staying home for WWDC and other conventions, and the keynotes are better virtual, ... until my Internet goes down ARRRRG! 88 34%
I'm attending the results. 63 24%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and rounding demos.

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