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Current JoyPoll results for 311 entries:

What are you most looking forward to doing after the COVID-19 vaccinations?

Kissing and hugging the people I love, ... my cat is nice, but I do miss the human touch. 29 9%
Travel!, ... less Zoom, and more Vroooom! 81 26%
Group activities like concerts and sports, ... I gotta tell you, I don't miss those annoying people who bang on the glass during hockey games. 29 9%
I didn't do much of the above before, but it will be nice to not have to use hand-sanitizer as much, ... it might be smart to keep up the good habits! 126 40%
I'm vaccinated against the results. 44 14%
2 0%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and rounding fatigue.

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