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Current JoyPoll results for 341 entries:

How excited are you for self-driving cars?

Very! It's going to change the world for the better!, ... and make all those designated drivers a little happier. 116 34%
Excited, but I'm worried it's just the start, and humans will become more and more atrophied in all kinds of areas, ... wait a sec, did they just skip right past the self-driving horse? 40 11%
Not excited at all. Driving robots are going to be trouble, ... the flying ones are bad enough! 80 23%
Forget self driving cars, all I need is self-delivering pizza!, ... can't we train pizza rats to deliver it? 57 16%
I just burned rubber into the results. 47 13%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the LIDAR not telling the truth.

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