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Current JoyPoll results for 349 entries:

What's the best label for people who don't social distance during these troubling Covid-19 times?

Ignorant, ... if you still lack knowledge about social distancing, your brain must have be isolated from reality for the past month. 31 8%
Incredibly selfish, ... I'm sure they won't mind giving up a ventilator. 58 16%
Covidiots, ... the trouble with idiots is that they think their ignorance is expertise. 118 33%
I don't like calling people names, although if they keep it up, I'll insist upon labeling them Soylent Green, ... just don't hoard it like toilet paper! 100 28%
I'm isolating with the results! 41 11%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and we're all in this together.

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