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Current JoyPoll results for 521 entries:

Do you miss the old days on social media, before algorithms and revenue streams,
when your friends would have a chance to see your posts and you might actually see theirs?

Yes, ... when is IRC making a comeback? 109 20%
Yes, and I followed fewer people back then, so it was easier, ... I thought it was harder to make new friends as you got older! 44 8%
Naw, I like it when social media companies pick and choose what I see, ... I thought that was just a fake news story! 4 0%
Actually, I do see less crap now!, ... actually, you've been looking at it so long, the crap's become normalized! 17 3%
I can't believe social media is still a thing!, ... it's self aware now, and running the world. 270 51%
I think I'm viewing all the results. 75 14%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and someone boosted the rounding.

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