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Current JoyPoll results for 364 entries:

What makes you inconsolable?

When the battery dies and there's no charger, ... that's what's known as an electrical inconsole. 43 11%
When my amazing social media posts get no attention, ... luckily, the Library of Congress is saving them all, so future generations can know your genius. 63 17%
When my pet chooses my significant other to cuddle up with, instead of me, ... don't play favorites with your humans! 20 5%
Beachballs and streaming delays, ... bah! I remember when it took 15 minute to load an animated gif! 73 20%
When I send a text and I know they saw it but they are not responding, ... that's because they are waiting for The Joy of Tech sticker pack! 29 7%
When I'm thinking about it all day and I finally get home and then I discover somebody else has finished off all the ice cream, ... What? you didn't bring home more??? 70 19%
I'm viewing the results, so can you make dinner? 66 18%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and feeling insoluble.

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