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Current JoyPoll results for 502 entries:

Feature you'd most like to have in an Apple Car?

Rich Cupertinian leather!, ... it's vegan leather I hope! 31 6%
No Spinning Beach Balls, ... dummy, it uses those as wheels! 79 15%
"Undo" from accidents!, ... read the small print... Biological components of occupants of Apple Car not covered by Undo. 151 30%
Freedom from a User Agreement every time the software is updated, ... aww, but think of the writers of those agreements! 76 15%
It's just a rebranded Tesla, ... Apple better buy them soon, before Elon drives off to Mars! 81 16%
I'm viewing the rich JoyPollintian results! 83 16%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and Spartan rounding.

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