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Current JoyPoll results for 581 entries:

If you were the subject inside of Schrodinger's box,
what state would you most likely be in when observed?

Grumpy, ... well, typically the occupants of Schrodinger's boxes are a little cantankerous. 70 12%
Happy, ... I guess you are visualizing yourself outside the box! 9 1%
Sleeping, ... at any rate, when we checked, you looked like you're sleeping. 134 23%
The state of planning my escape from the box, ... thank god it wasn't a paper bag! 127 21%
Actually, I'm in the box observing you!, ... you're kinda like Google and Facebook! 146 25%
I'm boxing the results. 94 16%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the spin value of a fresh proton.

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