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Current JoyPoll results for 543 entries:

Which would be your favorite tech broadway show?

The Facebook Follies, ... the show is free, you just have to let them have all your information. 9 1%
The Linux King, ... The Circle of Reboot is so catchy! 87 16%
The Phantom of Opera browser, ... with music by Vivaldi? 37 6%
Oh! Cupertino!, ... don't worry, the actors all wear turtleneck sweaters. 142 26%
Les Miserable (the story of Windows Visa), ... I dreamed a dream of a blue screen. 53 9%
The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas Instruments, ... Annie get your soldering gun? 106 19%
I'm humming the results! 108 19%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and song and dance.

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