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Current JoyPoll results for 551 entries:

How's your iTunes app section (or non-Apple equivalent)?

Filled with old apps I never use, ... they're just waiting there by the Phone app, furious at you. 122 22%
I clean it out every few years, but there's a lot of junk still in there, ... face it, you're an app hoarder! 46 8%
I try to clean it out, but don't have the heart to throw out some of those old apps, ... you never forget your first love. 57 10%
Cleaned, pruned, lean and mean!, ... I've never met a strong geek with a no-delete past. 62 11%
I never use iTunes, I just delete them off my smartphone, ... backup a bit and do some backups! 180 32%
Is there an app to just view the results? 83 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and oldies but goodies.

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