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Current JoyPoll results for 776 entries:

Apple is...?

Doomed, ... well yes, and the Sun is going to go nova eventually. 32 4%
Stock is doomed, company will be fine, ... I think the guys who rig the stock market are the ones who will be fine. 121 15%
It's not doomed, but like most big companies, it will eventually become obsolete, ... but it should hold its resell value! 166 21%
It's just getting started!, ... please please please never become just a letter of Alphabet! 88 11%
I don't know, but I always wanted to drive a dump truck!, ... maybe Apple's working on a bulldozer! 253 32%
I'm viewing the resale value of the results. 115 14%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and someone rounded it to loonie.

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