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Current JoyPoll results for 497 entries:

What would be the most embarrassing thing you could accidently share?

My Photo library, ... and here you thought you had figured out all those iCloud settings! 13 2%
My *secret* photo library, ... oops, it's no longer a secret, is it! 75 15%
My full playlist, ... what? How did that Hillary Duff song get in there? 30 6%
My text messages, ... that's between you and your cell phone provider! 12 2%
Just about everything on my smartphone and computer, ... you do realize that in the multi-verse, all those other you know what you have on there! 68 13%
I'm too embarrassed to share it with you, ... awww, but you probably already share it with Google! 169 34%
I'm shamelessly viewing the results. 129 25%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the math blushing.

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