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Current JoyPoll results for 601 entries:

How would you describe your technology?

It's like my mother, ... you never forget your first motherboard. 6 0%
It's like my doctor, ... medic or shrink? 2 0%
It's like my lover, ... make sure you're grounded! 11 1%
It's like my enemy, ... is that why you keep it so close? 5 0%
It's like my best friend, ... until version 2.0 comes around, right? 43 7%
It's like my annoying friend, ... awww, but you love it anyway! 91 15%
It's like my slave, ... just don't name your computer Spartacus. 102 16%
It's like my master, ... time for a tech revolution! 17 2%
All of the above!, ... congrats, you're probably human! 183 30%
I'm letting my technology just view the results. 140 23%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and mom's the word.

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