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Current JoyPoll results for 585 entries:

From your perspective, who best represents the gold Apple Watch Edition?

Pretty Penny, ... she doesn't like to be Nickel and Dimed. 73 12%
Arm and a Leg, ... Kidney wasn't enough!. 246 42%
Chump Change, ... are you a chump, if your perspective of Chump Change changes as you gain more change? 27 4%
Chicken Feed, ... I only buy free-range gold, organically grown in a supernova. 15 2%
Small Potatoes, ... nature's portion control! 12 2%
Sweet Spot, ... see Spot and Tim. See Spot run. Funny funny Spot. Funny funny Tim. 42 7%
I'm sobbing in the results missing my sweet Hard-earned Cash. 169 28%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and I broke the bank.

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