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Current JoyPoll results for 474 entries:

Google VS Uber?

A good thing for tech and driverless car innovation, ... competition brings out the beast, but cooperation brings out the best. 64 13%
Typical backstabbing Google, ... you know what they say at Google, one good backstab deserves another! 99 20%
I pity Google going up against those Uber thugs!, ... I pity Uber having to switch to Bing soon. 25 5%
I can't wait to see Uber's self-driving car!, ... I think I have an idea what it will look like! 26 5%
Way overblown, and probably not true, ... awww, a bit of competition gives everyone a Lift. 159 33%
I'm self-driving to the results. 98 20%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and these boots were made for walking.

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