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Current JoyPoll results for 492 entries:

How do you feel while using social media sites like Facebook?

I feel like I am in my element!, ... homo facebookiens, you're a genus, but not necessarily a genius. 13 2%
I feel like a rat being experimented on, ... I'll lend you an ear, but I promise not to grow one on you. 33 6%
I feel like the experimentor!, ... I think their experiments are working on you! 21 4%
I feel guilty and a bit stupid using them, but can't help myself, ... I'm like that with potato chips. 97 19%
I don't use them and feel like I'm missing out, ... you're not, it's just procrastination experimenting on you. 20 4%
I feel like a very smart primate for NOT using them, ... you might still in a cage, but at least not one of your own making. 221 44%
I'm feeling the results! 79 16%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and mood swings.

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