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Current JoyPoll results for 151 entries:

Is buying Tumblr a good move for Yahoo?

Nope, it will just delay the inevitable, ... delay is good, especially when you're abandoning ship. 12 7%
It's a smart move, Tumblr will help Yahoo stay young, ... I really hope Yahoo doesn't look like Joan Rivers in a few years. 10 6%
Naw, Yahoo got ripped. No blog platform is worth a billion dollars, ... is anything worth that, besides your health? 23 15%
It sucks the most for Tumblr-ites, ... they'll take the fall. 15 9%
I couldn't care less about either, ... well I'm glad you cared enough to vote that way! 45 29%
Melissa Mayer's Boy George moves are all that matters!, ... every day is like survival, she used to be Google's lover, not their rival. 23 15%
I care most about the results! 23 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and you comes and go, you comes and goooooo.
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