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Current JoyPoll results for 961 entries:

What do you think companies do with all your address book information?

Funny stuff, ... you mean like stuff everyone's address books into a little clown car? 35 3%
Evil stuff, ... you mean like try to get away with that ask forgiveness later crap? 348 36%
Helpful stuff, ... like let your wife know you're still carrying around all your ex's numbers? 41 4%
They are just lonely!, ... they want to join the party at the Snoopy Developers Club. 111 11%
They don't do anything with it, it just makes them feel important to take it from you, ... they're just trying to compensate for being unpopular in high school. 304 31%
My address book is kinda sad, I hope they can cheer it up. 122 12%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and somebody clicked Don't Allow.
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