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Current JoyPoll results for 922 entries:

Is it terrible to laugh at death?
Yes, ... but screaming just seems to attract Death! 96 10%
Yes, and you cartoonists are terrible to make a comic about it, ... OK, we'll just crawl away and die now. 111 12%
It usually is, but in this case, I'd make an exception, ... so you don't feel Angry Wheelchair Guy is being shafted? 84 9%
We're all going to die sometime, at least this guy has entertained millions while doing it, ... don't get any ideas! 364 39%
Can't. Stop. Laughing!, ... oh, don't worry, you will one day. 80 8%
I'm dying to view the results. 187 20%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a killing joke.
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