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Current JoyPoll results for 1263 entries:

What do you think of the guy's strategy to meet women?
Bah, I can do that for $6.50 on Android, ... yes, but will your phone impress her? 85 6%
Actually, I like my iPhone way more than girls, ... OK you are done. Please turn off the computational devices. 101 7%
It's brilliant. Evil, but brilliant, ... no, you can't use it to track the phone back to her apartment. 269 21%
There is a risk of losing the iPhone, but without risk, there is no reward!, ... what's sad is soon enough you'll be scheming how to lose the girl. 248 19%
There is the risk of the girl thinking you are an idiot for losing your iPhone, ... well, then you just show her this comic. 216 17%
Thanks a lot Nitrozac and Snaggy, you just spoiled my perfect pick-up routine, ... we're sorry. Should we draw up a couple of cartoon babes to apologize? 126 9%
I'm too shy to even vote! 219 17%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and a remote wipe.
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