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Current JoyPoll results for 1288 entries:

Which would you rather live under?
Benevolent Dictatorship, ... it feels good to know the people taking your money love you. 114 8%
Malevolent Freedom, ... think of it as a free lesson that the world is full of bad people. 133 10%
Don't believe what the Benevolent Dictator says, freedom isn't malevolent, ... you are free to stick with a landline. 205 15%
Don't believe what the Malevolent Freedomers say, benevolence isn't a always a dictatorship, ... with great benevolence, comes great responsibilty. 105 8%
I support freedom from the dictatorship of black and white ideology, ... you don't fit into the slots. I can see that you are going to be trouble. 210 16%
I've always supported the Rebels, but deep down, I've always been a huge fan of Darth Vader!, ... he did have the better theme music. 294 22%
I prefer to live over stuff. 227 17%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and loving you to death.
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