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Current JoyPoll results for 1143 entries:

Best way to breakup with someone?
In a public place, ... make it a strip bar and it might happen naturally. 82 7%
Via email, ... that's handy because you can CC it to all of your girlfriends. 7 0%
Live over the internet, via chat or webcam, ... and sell tickets to the stream. 14 1%
Be a jerk, then let them break up with you, ... or are you like that even if you don't want to break up? 148 12%
That is the least of my problems, ... as the boy scouts say, Be Prepared. 350 30%
Send them a link to this comic and hope they get the hint, ... I guess we should work out some kind of affiliate deal for the banner ad revenue. 346 30%
Breaking up is hard to doodle. 196 17%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and the rounding just wanting to be friends.
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