HomeGeek Culture... Geek Love, Geek Files, Mind Numbing Magazine, all kinds of geeky stuff!The Webstore! Get some cool stuff, and support your fave comic creators!e-Cards!The ForumsThe Joy of Tech! ...your quick fix of comic fun!After Y2K!webcam!

Do you admire Steve Jobs's ability to create short, concise email replies? We do too! Now you can use this handy tool to practice and hone your own terse skills!

First, create the letter to Steve Jobs...

>Hi Steve,
>You are ,
but that is beside the point,
>as I have a question about :
>All the best,

Now create Steve's reply...


There you go! See, it's insanely easy to be blunt, once you get the hang of it.

(Sorry, you can't send email with this, that would be evil.)

Comment on the Comic |

Kangaroo! Stand in the Place That You Work!
Snaggy reviews Ergodesktop's Kangaroo adjustable-height desk... he likes it.

The JoyPoll was...
Have you ever emailed someone famous?
  • Never, why bother?
  • Yes I have, and I never heard back.
  • Yes I have, and I heard back!
  • I emailed that Nigerian widow who needed money wired to her in order to facilitate a larger transfer.
  • No. (I'm practicing my terse replies).
  • I've emailed Snaggy, but he's only famous in his own mind.

View the Results

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Help our efforts to keep doing what we are doing... tip the cartoonists!
Or become a SuperFan! | This month's total | Donation FAQ

We were an Amazon Associate for over 15 years, but soon after we published a comic unflattering to Amazon, they canceled our account.

When we tried to find out why, we received this reply... "under the terms of the Operating Agreement, we may terminate your account at any time, with or without cause. This termination is final and not subject to appeal." Gee, thanks Jeff.

But don't worry, we will still bite the hands that feed us, even if they don't help feed us anymore.

Forum tidbits!

fs returns with a blast and wonders Where did everyone go?, likes days without the internet, digs the The New Doctor **CAUTION: POSSIBLE SPOILERS**, and Finally, finds truth in science reporting, ... and Ashitaka admites The Internet has drastically shortened my attenion span, but that is ok.

And in SuperFan Clubhouse Tidbits: Snaggy kicks off the Fight Club Blu-ray Disc giveaway for SuperFans!

SuperFan Subscriptions! Get access to the SuperFan Clubhouse, custom avatars in the Forums, a 10% discount on webstore orders, and as a SuperTreat, Solid Nitrozanium SuperFans can appear in the comic!

Neat things to read about and do, to bring a little Joy to your Tech.

The amazing self-updating Joy of Tech Thumbnail is featured on:
Powerpage!O'Grady's PowerPage!
Thanks Jason!
Thanks Rick!
MacDailyNews!Thanks Chris!
Macinstein!Macinstein's Mac Search Engine!
Thanks Rich!
Macsurfer.com!...and of course we love the ever-loving MacSurfer.com!

Portraits by Nitrozac!

The Joy of Tech is a comic about technology and pop culture. We like to feature the people and events that are making tech news. We tend to focus on Apple news and events because they often affect the industry in general, and because we are longtime Mac users here at GeekCulture Headquarters. We create The Joy of Tech using Apple computers, mostly on our MacBook Pros, running Mac OS X Snow Leopard. We use software from Apple, Adobe, Macromedia, BBedit, OpenOffice.org, and others, including Microsoft (yep, we do use Microsoft Office for Mac on occasion). Nitrozac uses a Wacom tablet to do her illustrations.

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