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Current JoyPoll results for 899 entries:

What's most disturbing about this comic?
The fact that aliens could easily entrap and experiment on us, ... well, we've been dishing it out to other animals for long enough, so maybe we can take it. 41 4%
That this comic probably isn't true... Wal-Mart and other super store nightmares were actually created by humans, ... our capacity for pure evil is astounding. 217 24%
That the aliens are probably working with the Chinese, ... the Chinese ownz everybody. 104 11%
That this comic is probably test marketing, to see if humans would be open to alien shopping experiences, ... their biggest mystery... do people really buy propeller beanies? 188 20%
Dude, this is why I only shop online!, ... sounds like you need a tin-foil propeller beanie! 224 24%
I find my lack of vote disturbing. 125 13%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and rounding greeters.
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