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Current JoyPoll results for 789 entries:

If someone you followed on a social network posted the occasional ad, how would you feel?
As long as I know it's an ad, that's OK, ... hopefully they're not subliminal tweeting. Buy propeller beanies! 85 10%
Immediate unfollow, ... so I guess you're friends without affiliate benefits. 142 17%
I don't really care, everything is an ad nowadays, ... soon the ads will have ads in them. 102 12%
Good for them, if they can make a buck, that's cool with me, ... meanwhile, the sponsors are hoping to get your buck. 35 4%
It would make me think less of them, ... I think the goal of most ads is to make you think less. 140 17%
It would make me think, how can I start making money on social network ads too?, ... by the time you have a million followers, you probably won't need the extra cash anyway. 135 17%
See, another reason why NOT to have friends! 150 19%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and an ad for a new poll script.
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