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The JoyPoll!
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Current JoyPoll results for 918 entries:

If you were omnipotent, how would you manage the universe?
I'm a nitpicker, so I'd micro-manage everything, even down to the quantum particles, ... you just want to be the one to discover that God particle. 83 9%
I'd just create stuff, then let it all manage itself, ... how messy is your house? 100 10%
I'd be involved in the big stuff, like making solar systems and such, but leave the insignificant stuff alone, ... don't sweat the small stuff! 84 9%
I'd listen to everyone's thoughts, then pass judgement on them, ... that's so old school. 39 4%
I'd play with people's minds... make bushes burn, have whales swallow people, and tell a guy to build an ark, ... as the Creator, I'd hope you be more creative. 143 15%
I'd unleash the Greek gods and make them fight the Norse gods, ... gentlemen please! Can't we omnipotents just get along? 213 23%
Kill all humans!!!, ... or just not get involved and watch us do it to ourselves. 84 9%
I see you when you're sleeping, I know when you're awake. I know if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake. 171 18%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and I thought the Devil made potato chips!
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