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Current JoyPoll results for 1101 entries:

Best new feature of Snow Leopard?
The day of the week in the Menu bar... whoa, ... would be nice if you could customize that... MusicMondays, Humpday, FollowFriday, etc. 36 3%
Computer shuts down faster, ... I could use a "Go outside you geek! alert. 45 4%
Stacks is slightly less irritating than before, ... I miss the never-actually-a-real-feature piles. 65 5%
Screenshots no longer labeled Picture 1, ... Picture this... what took them so long? 124 11%
Seemingly endless supply of JoT comics about it, ... so that's a feature not a bug? 273 24%
Apple's ability to get 30 bucks out of most everybody, ... ahhh, so that's why Snow Leopard's code name was Bailout. 282 25%
I'm stumped!, ... there's a glass of Kool-Aid waiting for you at the Genius Bar. 98 8%
I like their fur. 178 16%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and rounding fanboys.
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