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Current JoyPoll results for 1537 entries:

What do you think about Jon Rubinstein (former Apple dude) leaving Apple,
then joining Palm, then developing the iPhone-esque Pre?
I couldn't care less, ... you could, but if you did, you wouldn't have voted in the Joypoll. 199 12%
I couldn't care less, I'm rooting for Android, ... I just wish my cell phone would make waffles. 144 9%
All's fair in Business and War, ... I prefer my multinational corporations to follow the Golden Rule. 176 11%
That wasn't very nice, ... awww, and he did such a nice job of explaining the Megahertz Myth. 77 5%
TRAITOR!, ... I figured he was working for the Dark Side. 193 12%
More competiton for the iPhone is good for everyone!, ... including cartoonists! 614 39%
I'm giving Jon the benefit of the doubt. 135 8%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and et tu Rubinstein.
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