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Current JoyPoll results for 977 entries:

Besides mosquitoes, what else should rich people be subjected to?
The joy of being rejected for a loan, ... funny how you need money to get money. 60 6%
Going to bed without supper, ... or do you prefer to go to bed without dinner? 50 5%
That scary feeling when you don't know where the money is going to come from, ... a bit scarier then when you don't know where the money is going. 424 43%
The pleasure of flying coach, ... when you exit the plane, don't forget to moo. 175 17%
My brilliant ideas!, ... I know... sell jars of mosquitoes to rich people! 81 8%
Rich people have it bad enough, they don't need to be subjected to anything else, ... you can't take it with you, but it makes the ride much more comfortable. 76 7%
This poll bugged me. 111 11%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and Buzz Aldrin.
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