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Current JoyPoll results for 1007 entries:

When unfriended or unfollwed, how do you feel?
Like a loser, ... sounds like you've lost your self respect too! 21 2%
It bothers me a bit, but oh well, ... awwww, go and get a hug from your Pet Rock. 66 6%
It doesn't bother me, ... no wonder they unfriended you, you heartless robot. 81 8%
It doesn't bother me, unless it was a real life friend, ... who even has those anymore? 282 28%
It doesn't bother me, unless they are cooler than me, ... on the Internet, everyone is cooler than you. 39 3%
Relief! I'm finally free to be myself again, ... you are free, except for that addiction to Twitter. 57 5%
Does not apply, as I am currently friendless, ... awwwww, someone send this guy a Pet Rock! 307 30%
I'm too unfriendly to vote in the poll. 154 15%

May not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding, and un-rounding
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